[align=center]Hi FTalkers! I just wanted to share a link which my classmate introduced to me. I got inspired when I finished reading this article that's why I dared to share this to all of you for I believe, atleast, it [i]might[/i] serve as an inspiration for us all to repent and worship God.
[b]Here's a short shot of the article:[/b]
[spoiler]For a period of 23 hours, a young Ecuadorian girl named Angelica was shown the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell, and the Return of Christ.
She witnessed Jesus weeping as He overlooked multitudes of souls lost forever, a world that has rejected Him, a Church that is mostly unprepared for Him, a people that have stopped witnessing to the lost, and an entertainment industry that even lures children to Satan.
She witnessed many of our esteemed cultural icons suffering in the Pit; singers, entertainers, and even a pope. Angelica was also shown how the Kingdom of Heaven is all wonderfully prepared and ready, an unimaginable glorious place, where no evil exists. Though Jesus is ONLY coming back for a Holy People, and many of God's children will NOT be ready on that day, and will be left behind in a world that will fall apart.[/spoiler]
[b]If ever you're interested to read it, here's the link:[/b]
Mods can lock this whenever it came to be useless. Thank you. God bless

Last edited by deceived.ang35 (2011-05-01 09:59:29)