[quote=forsakendoll;#3799892;1305526267]I've listened to Lady Gaga's songs but I don't feel like doing any satanic rituals or anything. Odd.[/quote]
It's because your type ain't her target market. Since she is an advocate for equality and self-expression, then her target must be those who feel like they're part of the lower class i.e the third sex. i.e, born this way. And those who cannot express themselves, i.e. just about every single song she sang. That's why these people would die for her. It's the same feeling that a dirty, poor sinner feels when a great, holy God loves him. I'm sure you don't feel like you're a loser or that you can't express yourself don't you aya?
[quote=forsakendoll;#3799892;1305526267]Do you know that the inverted cross used to symbolize St. Peter?
Do you know that a lot of people wore an inverted cross NOT because they are anti-christ but because they just think it's 'cool' or that they want to cosplay misa-misa from Deathnote?
Why does the Pope got an inverted cross on his chair?[/quote]
I'm not just talking about the inverted cross. I'm talking about symbols which not only GaGa use, but also majority of the artists in the mainstream. The inverted cross may have different interpretations, but what about the inverted cross on her vagina and in the toilet bowl? Okay, humility, I guess. Pope got inverted cross on his chair because they believe St. Peter is the first pope, but that is still open to interpretations isn't it?

. Read these books, The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall and The Illuminati Formula to Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier. They don't target anybody, worth the read.
[quote=synthe;#3800805;1305551424]Don't get me started on religion here. Don't tell me that every Christian girl wears a veil, acts like a nun, wears a bodysuit/ a dress in which skin cannot be seen and practices celibacy. EVEN GAGA PRACTICES CELIBACY. She's an artist, she's expressive. If she thinks that these sexy moves grab the attention of people, then she's free to do it. America is a free country. And that's the forte of her job. She's an entertainer.
-And can you please elaborate on how she sells sex? Is she a prostitute of some sort? I'm really interested on how you came into a conclusion that GaGa sells sex. XD[/quote]
What do you mean by your Christian? Sure she's expressive, and those sexy moves surely grab the attention of people. But don't you think it feeds other people's lust as well? Well, I guess that's the job of a Christian entertainer.
When you try to sell something to people, you advertise. When you advertise, what do you do? Wouldn't you perhaps tell other people vocally? Or perhaps, use or demonstrate so that your friends may know? In the same way, GaGa demonstrates having sex in her videos. Doesn't her sexiness feed your lust at all?
[quote=synthe;#3800805;1305551424]FYI, I don't treat her as a God, I am just a big fan. And I am afraid your argument is getting invalid. Its getting personal here. I don't refuse to know the other side of the story because I've seen the true both sides. I refuse to be persuaded by black propaganda in order to destroy people. She's just human, like us.[/quote]
I admire you for being opinionated and I apologize for getting a bit personal up there. Read this then, The Illuminati Formula to Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier. Unless you have read that, you cannot say you have seen both sides. DW, that book doesn't aim to destroy people.
I love these kinds of threads as well. I'm sorry If I offended you in anyway synthe.