» [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
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[b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
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Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
Please dont delete any credits or edit
Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
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@ lester_cabilla
were u d one who made ur signature? what font did u use?
pm me. pretty pls.
Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
Please dont delete any credits or edit
Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
Please dont delete any credits or edit
Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
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[align=center][/align]+"_niCe ovErlaY kUya. . .cAn u tXt mE sOmetimEs?09293304590 bY thE wAy. .i dNt knOw hOw tO puT d LAyOut oN mY fRienDster. .littLe hELp pLeaSe
Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
Please dont delete any credits or edit
Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
Please dont delete any credits or edit
Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
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it's cool..i like it and i want to use it. but it's not working, why? help me pls. here is my email add. brokendreamscape_16@yahoo.com. pls view my profile. thanks!
Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
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very cool!!
and emo too!
i love it!
gosh, i like it very much!
Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
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whEre shAll i puT thE coDe!? plZ repLy haha i'm soo stUpid !!
Re: [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
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this layout is not good...
the music is not emo I think thats RNB...
By:Jaelee Pasia
» [b]I think this is the best layout I made so far.
Actually I'm suppose to make an emo boy but I couldn't find any pictures so I decided to make into an Emogirl.
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