[align=center][color=#ff6699]//xoxo.[/color][color=#993300]sis steph, i really like the 3rd one. ooh, we're same. i'm just using lunapic~ <3 sis, if you'll make a sig. and you want to put some ribbons, free to request to me. just find my toppic.
just stay cute& pretty sis steph~
[color=#ff99cc]thankies sis Yuri for that toughtful reccomendation.lurve you sis *mwuah*[/color][/quote]
[align=center][color=#ff6699]//xoxo.[/color][color=#993300]hahaha... just ok...
in lunapic, how to change the colors? in text, the animation...?[/color][color=#ff6699]//[/color][/align]
Last edited by pinktwinklehearts (2007-08-09 09:54:53)