how to make an overlay layout that look like this
first i didnt include the css
juz plain design for main page itself..
u dont need any prog for this tricks...
all u need are:
1. ready made images.. banner ...
2. geocities acct
3 tons of...imagination
lets start:
open an acct in geocities...
u will be redirected to home.. click... the button that says...
create and update... file file.. then NEW
title.... where u will put ur page name
head ..where u wil insert ur css codes like scrollbar etc..
body... for main page design ( codes for ur table)...javascript like
statusbar etc etc...
be sure to save ur work ...with an ending of .html ( dot html)
then look for table launcher ( LAUNCH TABLE MAKER)
we will use this to view the possible size of ur table... assign specific location ( centered..left etc.. make margin padding etc etc...)
let say ill be using this banner for my overlay
at table laucher i specify the length of my talbe w/c accords with my banner properties..
i made a table with 2 row.. 1column.. ... press SHOW HTML to view the codes copy paste those and insert bet ur <BODY>< /BODY> tag
we will have something that look like this
[color=#ff58ff]original codes from table launcher:[/color]
<">[color=#ff58ff]alter [/color] the td
let say ill use the 1st TD for may banner
then the 2nd for my navigation
<">take note:
[color=#ff58ff] [/color] codes [color=#ff58ff]for space[/color]
be cautious in my td and table wherein i add some tweaks like bg and specific height
now wer doen for upper part..
lets do then the main content of our page
let say ill make a 3 column.. 1 row table..
[color=#ff58ff]original codes:[/color]
<">then [color=#ff58ff]alter[/color] be noted with changes i done with my TD and TABLE..
<">take note:
u may add inside the td ur chatbox... all pa ekek ( xtra )
modues codes..
and div so ur page wont get long
i add this table for my [color=#ff58ff]credits[/color] w/c is optional
since u may include this inside the above mention TD
<">this part is for my [color=#ff58ff]friendster footer etc[/color]...
w/c then i decided to be just an ordinary txt w/o table ..
<">overlay wont b complete w/o css pls check site like dynamic drive ..etc for more tricks..
for add ons pls browse the forum like modules for specific div etc...
Last edited by switpotato (2007-08-06 20:54:58)