[quote=xavierkym]be the first to comment...
its really working..


what a nice script from a genius guy...

combination of side and main ah..

hmhm... two thumbsup up for you bro..

[b]feedback:[/b] i cant make it appear below the groups though.. but still a great script..[/quote]
this script is an alternative way from sidebar script instead it appear below the groups...but it still can be like the sidebar script just replace to this...
[quote]function addMainSideBox(header,cont,id,target) {
var tb = document.getElementById(target).parentNode;
var divid="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+
"<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+
"<div class='boxcontent'>"+
var obj = document.createElement("li");
[b]note:[/b] the box only appear below the groups & media box
Last edited by feruzz (2007-08-05 01:23:18)