[quote=diabolicious]The tutorial clearly stated
[quote]Paste this code into your compiled js

I edited the tutorial as you said.. What I mean about compiled js is your external JS file
or JS extension..
JS extension is the file where we put all the Javascript Tweaks for our profiles and is basically
one of the most important thing to know.. There should be some Sticky Topics that are called Javascript Linker which has the tutorial on how to make an external js, its located on the uppermost part of the trick and tutorial section of the forum
About the autoplay thing you can get more info by looking for the 2nd version of this tutorial it should be somewhere in this forum section..
One more thing.. Please avoid double posting.. You even made triple posting.. hehe
It is prohibited to post "consecutively" in a single topic..
You can post again after some replies to your post, got it?

ok diabolicious...
thank you...
thanx for ur advice..