[b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url]

[b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b]
okey lets start
first create a new subfolder in you ripway account ......
then create three files on that folder by clicking ......
name it as...
you must have three files in that folder
^ [b]Purpose[/b]? to easilly find those files

configure the [b]showcontent.htm[/b] and click edit text .....
then paste this code
<">^ its up to you if you want to edit something there.
click save and change when its done.
then configure the [b]content.htm[/b]
<style type="text/css">
.menu {font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold}
.menu a{
<script language="javascript">
Cool Table Menu
By Clarence Eldefors (
http://www.freebox.com/cereweb) with modifications from javascriptkit.com
http://javascriptkit.com for this and over 400+ other scripts
function movein(which,html){
if (document.getElementById)
function moveout(which){
if (document.getElementById)
document.getElementById("boxdescription").innerHTML=' '
boxdescription.innerHTML=' '
<body bgcolor="#000000">
<table bgcolor=" [color=red][b] bisque [/b][/color] " border="1" bordercolor="[color=red][b]ivory[/b][/color]" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<td class="menu" bordercolor="[color=red][b]bisque[/b][/color]" id="choice4" style="background-color:black; cursor:hand" onmouseover="movein(this,'[color=blue][b]Cool Friendster Tweaks[/b][/color]')" onmouseout="moveout(this)"><a href="[color=green][b]
http://theftalk.com/[/b][/color]" target ="showframe">[color=orange][b]Friendstertalk Forum[/b][/color]</a></td></tr>
<td bordercolor="[color=red][b]bisque[/b][/color]" bgcolor="[color=red][b]coral[/b][/color]" height="18"><font id="boxdescription" face="Verdana" size="2"></font></td></tr>
[color=red][b]red[/b][/color] - for the color
[color=blue][b]blue[/b][/color] - for the caption
[color=green][b]green[/b][/color] - the url of the site you want to appear
[color=orange][b]orange[/b][/color] - the name that will display on the navigation
then [b]save and change[/b]
configure the [b]mainframe.htm[/b]..
<frameset cols="170,*">
<frame src=" [color=brown][b]content.htm[/b][/color]">
<frame src="[color=violet][b]showcontent.htm[/b][/color]"
[color=brown][b]brown[/b][/color] - for the url of content.htm
[color=violet][b]violet[/b][/color] - for the url of showcontent.htm
then save and change
finally we are now in the last part

put this in your tracker.js....
[quote]if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { loadBox();}))
window.onload = function () { loadBox();};
function loadBox() {
var getObj="<div align='center' style='width:550px; height:420px; border: 4px #e3e3e3 groove;'><iframe src=' [b]/mainframe.htm[/b] ' frameborder='no' width='100%' height='100%'></iframe></center></div>";
addBox("tittle of the iframe",getObj,"obj","[b]photos_1_2[/b]");
function addBox(header,cont,id,target) {
var tb = document.getElementById(target).parentNode;
var divid="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+
"<div id='content_"+id+"' align='center'>"+
var obj = document.createElement("li");
[b]/mainframe.htm[/b] - for the url of mainframe.htm
[b]photos_1_2[/b] - you can change it in by using the left boxes id's like [b]controlpanel_1_1, photos_1_2, moreabout_1_5, publiccomments_1_7[/b] and [b]scrapbook_1_8[/b]
and for size just edit the width and height of the div tag

[url]http://www.friendster.com/34787783[/url] <--- this one is lagg

( patient loading! )
[b]Credits:[/b] [url]http://javascriptkit.com[/url]
okey then enjoy!
Last edited by cip6192 (2007-08-31 07:31:05)