• » [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

Pages: 12344

[b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

[b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

[b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey lets start first create a new subfolder in you ripway account ...... [img]http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/7246/foldercreatemk4.jpg[/img] then create three files on that folder by clicking ...... [img]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/7923/createtextfilebuttonsd3.gif[/img] name it as... [b]showcontent.htm[/b] [b]content.htm[/b] [b]mainframe.htm[/b] you must have three files in that folder [img]http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/8461/folderns5.jpg[/img] ^ [b]Purpose[/b]? to easilly find those files :thumbsup: configure the [b]showcontent.htm[/b] and click edit text ..... [img]http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/8418/folderjx5.jpg[/img] then paste this code <">^ its up to you if you want to edit something there. click save and change when its done. --------------------------------------- then configure the [b]content.htm[/b] [quote]<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .menu {font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold} .menu a{ text-decoration:none; color:[color=red][b]coral[/b][/color]; } --> </style> <script language="javascript"> <!-- /* Cool Table Menu By Clarence Eldefors (http://www.freebox.com/cereweb) with modifications from javascriptkit.com Visit http://javascriptkit.com for this and over 400+ other scripts */ function movein(which,html){ which.style.background='[color=red][b]white[/b][/color]' if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById("boxdescription").innerHTML=html else boxdescription.innerHTML=html } function moveout(which){ which.style.background='[color=red][b]black[/b][/color]' if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById("boxdescription").innerHTML=' ' else boxdescription.innerHTML=' ' } //--> </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000"> <table bgcolor=" [color=red][b] bisque [/b][/color] " border="1" bordercolor="[color=red][b]ivory[/b][/color]" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="menu" bordercolor="[color=red][b]bisque[/b][/color]" id="choice4" style="background-color:black; cursor:hand" onmouseover="movein(this,'[color=blue][b]Cool Friendster Tweaks[/b][/color]')" onmouseout="moveout(this)"><a href="[color=green][b]http://theftalk.com/[/b][/color]" target ="showframe">[color=orange][b]Friendstertalk Forum[/b][/color]</a></td></tr> <tr> <td bordercolor="[color=red][b]bisque[/b][/color]" bgcolor="[color=red][b]coral[/b][/color]" height="18"><font id="boxdescription" face="Verdana" size="2"></font></td></tr> </table> </body> </html>[/quote] [color=red][b]red[/b][/color] - for the color [color=blue][b]blue[/b][/color] - for the caption [color=green][b]green[/b][/color] - the url of the site you want to appear [color=orange][b]orange[/b][/color] - the name that will display on the navigation then [b]save and change[/b] ---------------------------------------- configure the [b]mainframe.htm[/b].. [quote]<html> <frameset cols="170,*"> <frame src=" [color=brown][b]content.htm[/b][/color]"> <frame src="[color=violet][b]showcontent.htm[/b][/color]" name="showframe"> </frameset> </html>[/quote] [color=brown][b]brown[/b][/color] - for the url of content.htm [color=violet][b]violet[/b][/color] - for the url of showcontent.htm [img]http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/5417/folderns5ze4.jpg[/img] then save and change ----------------------------------------- finally we are now in the last part :D put this in your tracker.js.... [quote]if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { loadBox();})) window.onload = function () { loadBox();}; function loadBox() { var getObj="<div align='center' style='width:550px; height:420px; border: 4px #e3e3e3 groove;'><iframe src=' [b]/mainframe.htm[/b] ' frameborder='no' width='100%' height='100%'></iframe></center></div>"; addBox("tittle of the iframe",getObj,"obj","[b]photos_1_2[/b]"); } function addBox(header,cont,id,target) { var tb = document.getElementById(target).parentNode; var divid="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+header+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"' align='center'>"+ cont+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; var obj = document.createElement("li"); obj.innerHTML=divid; tb.parentNode.insertBefore(obj,tb); }[/quote] [b]/mainframe.htm[/b] - for the url of mainframe.htm [b]photos_1_2[/b] - you can change it in by using the left boxes id's like [b]controlpanel_1_1, photos_1_2, moreabout_1_5, publiccomments_1_7[/b] and [b]scrapbook_1_8[/b] and for size just edit the width and height of the div tag [b]Preview[/b] :arrow: [url]http://www.friendster.com/34787783[/url] <--- this one is lagg :doubt: ( patient loading! ) [b]Credits:[/b] [url]http://javascriptkit.com[/url] okey then enjoy! =|

Last edited by cip6192 (2007-08-31 07:31:05)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

Ok. since i'm still a noob.. my first question will be: what is this trick for? kindly give details/descriptions of this trick.. esp this [b]"iframe"[/b].. i really dunno it :wallbash:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

yeah its an iframe with navigation on the side that when you click a link on navigation at the side it will show in the other side. :retard: i hope you get the point
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

wow!!! amazingg!! nice code here!! :wow:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

[quote=cip6192]yeah its an iframe with navigation on the side that when you click a link on navigation at the side it will show in the other side. :retard: i hope you get the point[/quote] Kinda.. ;) i better check your profile :penguin:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

:arrow: [b]edited[/b] i forgot to add this... :wasted: if you want to add more links in the navigation just create new [b]<td class="menu"[/b] example i wil create a new link on the navigation let say yahoo. com [quote][b]<td class="menu" bordercolor="[color=red]bisque[/color]" id="choice4" style="background-color:black; cursor:hand" onmouseover="movein(this,'[color=blue]Yahoo Site[/color]')" onmouseout="moveout(this)"><a href="[color=green]http://www.yahoo.com/[/color]" target ="showframe">[color=orange]Yahoo.com[/color]</a></td></tr>[/b][/quote] [color=red][b]red[/b][/color] - for the color [color=blue][b]blue[/b][/color] - for the caption [color=green][b]green[/b][/color] - the url of the site you want to appear [color=orange][b]orange[/b][/color] - the name that will display on the navigation --------------------------------------------- then add that below the friendstertalk link like this... [quote]<body bgcolor="#000000"> <table bgcolor=" bisque " border="1" bordercolor="ivory" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="menu" bordercolor="bisque" id="choice4" style="background-color:black; cursor:hand" onmouseover="movein(this,'Cool Friendster Tweaks')" onmouseout="moveout(this)"><a href="http://theftalk.com/" target ="showframe">Friendstertalk Forum</a></td></tr> [b]<td class="menu" bordercolor="[color=red]bisque[/color]" id="choice4" style="background-color:black; cursor:hand" onmouseover="movein(this,'[color=blue]Yahoo Site[/color]')" onmouseout="moveout(this)"><a href="[color=green]http://www.yahoo.com/[/color]" target ="showframe">[color=orange]Yahoo.com[/color]</a></td></tr>[/b] <tr> <td bordercolor="bisque" bgcolor="coral" height="18"><font id="boxdescription" face="Verdana" size="2"></font></td></tr> </table> </body> </html>[/quote] i hope you all get the point of this :idea:

Last edited by cip6192 (2007-08-12 08:00:05)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

[b]@ cip[/b] my not shown to my page.. <">show en hide code <">
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

^ Y you have the same variable in your script? u must declare a unique variable on script unless you want to confuse your browser.. =3
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

Hehe actually you can apply php on the shout out through replace ID anyway kina long to explain... Anyway nice ideas =) :thumbsup:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

[quote=aRies04991]Ok. since i'm still a noob.. my first question will be: what is this trick for? kindly give details/descriptions of this trick.. esp this [b]"iframe"[/b].. i really dunno it :wallbash:[/quote] an iframe is a small window that can be seen inside a window.. so it is a window within a window.. :lol: to use iframes.. we use <iframe..></iframe> tags.. @ontopic: nice idea bro cip. :thumbsup:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

@topic nice cip for the tutorials :thumbsup: but its not workin on mine :wasted: I used this code <">I put this inside the onloadhandler and nothing happens.. my content and showcontent is working properly when I open them -.-"
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

nice trick..! :) :thumbsup: tnx cip.. ur profile rocks! :exclaim:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

hey ez! i thought you already have this code about [b]Addmanisidebox script[/b] just put this in your tracker... [quote]if ( ! attachOnLoadHandler(function () { loadBox();})) window.onload = function () { loadBox();}; function loadBox() { [b]var getObj="<div align='center' style='width:550px; height:400px; border: 4px #ffffff groove;'><iframe src='http://h1.ripway.com/ezil2k7/iframe/mainframe.htm' frameborder='no' width='100%' height='100%'></iframe></center></div>"; addMainSideBox("User-friendly Websites",getObj,"obj","reviews_1_4");[/b] } function addMainSideBox(header,cont,id,target) { var tb = document.getElementById(target).parentNode; var divid="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+header+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ cont+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; var obj = document.createElement("li"); obj.innerHTML=divid; tb.appendChild(obj); }[/quote] [b]istaline[/b] thanks but after all it still a basic :angry:

Last edited by cip6192 (2007-08-12 17:12:41)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

cip lol . i figure it out! theres a } between var and function you gave me ^_^ and i erase that thing :wasted: well +rep for u! :rose: btw whats the width and the height of right box ? so i can edit the espada.gif ^^

Last edited by ezil2007 (2007-08-12 17:34:28)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

ezil your inbox is full i cannot send back the code :wasted: hahaha okey then just put the code that i gave above in the last part of your tracker

Last edited by cip6192 (2007-08-12 17:40:21)

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

lol. i figure it out btw ... 0.0 look at my above post for further info edit : my tracker is ok now :wow: [b]check out my iframe :eh: [/b] btw help mods.. Why is that they who pm me cannot send me a message.. I have 2 messages only and cip cannot send me a pm -.-

Last edited by ezil2007 (2007-08-12 18:49:43)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

nice one you got here... i saw your preview.. its great! :eh: i'll try this one :D
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

[quote=Ephemeral]Hehe actually you can apply php on the shout out through replace ID anyway kina long to explain... Anyway nice ideas =) :thumbsup:[/quote] i just wondering what Ephe's trying to said here :wallbash: i think i can apply php file using the id of the box by the help of an [b]Iframe[/b]? =| just like this topic: :arrow: [url]http://theftalk.com/t4464-Surpassing-Character-limit-about-want-meet-section.html[/url]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

Oohhh.... I knew this code! I saw it on javascript.internet.com but i dont know how to make it work on friendster but you did bro.. nice job :thumbsup: This one is great but there is one great flaw in this trick and that is causing the page to load very slow I suggest that when you are using this trick you should make sure that all the links on this trick should be something like tracker (WVM) php of marfillaster A php that has only a single content is the best hehe like this [url]http://h1.ripway.com/diabolicious/music.php[/url]

Last edited by diabolicious (2007-08-13 06:59:05)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

sorry for the late reply, so i can use [b].php[/b] instead of [b].htm[/b]? em i right with my words?
  • » [b]Iframe definition[/b] --> [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFrame[/url] :arrow: [b]Updated as of this day for the reason that the reviews not working plus the addbox function is added[/b] okey

Pages: 12344

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