[quote=Jiro]Errr, I have try those step & I stuck with copy HTML

After copy the HTML then paste at where? Also need convert from where, what link etc?
Where should I paste the code ? Media? or css? or other?
Sorry im super beginner

Paste at OG Generator? Is that it? If that's it, go to
www.markyctrigger.com, select the OG version u want, then generate. After that, paste the generated code to MEDIA section
[quote=theejhay]hey ate glitch,, can i ask something?,, do you know how can i put my testimonials?! i mean the auto upadte testii,, coz that's the only prob i got in my Profile,, i really don't know how and where i can post that code,, can you give me some example? thank you sooo much,,[/quote]
Paste this code where you want the testimonials to be shown
<">And also, one more thing, my gender is MALE haha
[quote=james_cuteoo2]nice tutorial ;[/quote]