uhhmmm..hi ...1st i lyk to introduce myself..and i want to thank this site...cool site

.....i'm joannie mae...but call me mae..i'm 19 f from switzerland...but i'm phil...i just live in swtzerland..uhmm so till hir..i wish i could make fwends hir...thanxs a lot..
fs acct--> chika.symphaticagurllalo0o_atfam@yahoo.com
ym acct---> chika.symphaticagurllalo0o_atfam and mortal_mong.kaaway_chikalicshues
i love having new fwends....

actually i'm hir for tweaks and having new fwend..cuz all of member hir is nice and fwendly[i hope so..i think yes]..

for all who welcoming me...thanxs :rose:
Last edited by chika.symphatica (2007-08-16 21:02:50)