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  2008-05-21 08:13:30

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: how to make an overlay layout that look like this preview: [img][/img]

[quote=dragavs]im gonna study all this huhu i cant understand very wl[/quote] `just try and try..until you get it! just like me..i tried my very best! :D [quote=graceinah]san po mkkita ung geocities acct..?...[/quote] `please next time..try to use in english! ok?! `[url=]Click Me Baby[/url] ^NOTE: do you have an e-mail add? if yes..just log-in ahead.. if no..of course!you have to sign up buddy! :lol: [quote=yani_den19]CAN YOU GIVE ME SOME EXAMPLE OF A WHOLE css code w'c can be paste in the <head> part..i am so confused![/quote] [quote]<style type="text/css"> A:link { text-decoration: value; [underline, overline, underline overline, line-through, blink, none] color:#000000; } A:visited { text-decoration: value; [underline, overline, underline overline, line-through, blink, none] color:#000000; } A:active { text-decoration: value; [underline, overline, underline overline, line-through, blink, none] color:#000000; } A:hover { text-decoration: value; [underline, overline, underline overline, line-through, blink, none] color:#000000; background-image: url(yourimage.gif); background-color: #000000; (Warning: the following cursor attribute is for those who use IE only!) cursor: value; [default, auto, wait, crosshair, hand, help, text, move, s-resize, e-resize, w-resize, ne-resize, nw-resize, se-resize, sw-resize] cursor: url('');} h1 {font-family: value; [your font name for headers (arial, verdana, etc.)] color: value; [your font color (#000000)] } p {font-family: value; [your font name for paragraphs (arial, verdana, etc.)] color: value; [your font color (#000000)] } body { background: #000000; background-image: url(value); [url of background image to be used, i.e. background.gif] background-repeat: value; [repeat, no-repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y] background-position: valueI valueII; [valueI: top, center, bottom, percentage, pixel number] [valueII: right, center, left, percentage, pixel number] background-attachment: value; [scroll, fixed] font-family: value; [your font name] color: #000000 ; letter-spacing: value; [any number value (3pt, 5pt)] font-weight: value; [lighter, normal, bold, bolder, any number value (100, 500, 900)] font-size: value; [xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, any number value (12 pt, 18 pt)] direction:rtl; [this reverses the entire site so the scrollbar is on the left] (Warning: the following scrollbar attribute is for those who use IE only!) scrollbar-face-color : #000000; scrollbar-highlight-color : #000000; scrollbar-3dlight-color : #000000; scrollbar-shadow-color : #000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color : #000000; scrollbar-track-color : #000000; scrollbar-arrow-color : #000000; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } td { font-family: value; [your font name] color: #000000; padding-left: value; [2cm, 4cm etc.] padding-right: value; [2cm] padding-top: value; [2cm] padding-bottom: value; [2cm] padding: value; [2cm this is for all four sides] padding: value value; [2cm, 4cm : two values for four sides, add numerical value] } input, textarea { background: #000000 url(yourimage.gif); font-family: value; [your font name] color: #000000; border-style: value; [dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset] border-color: #000000; border-width: valuepx; [numerical value, 5, 6, 8...] } </style>[/quote] `thanks to ms. switpotato for this one.. `next time..try not to be dull.. `use the search button..ok?? `NOTE:avoid using all caps.. [quote=♥ChaRLenE♥]Not for newbies.,..u must specify the exact location whrere will we paste the codes!!!! Not good![/quote] `grrr.. :evil: don't be a ********** `you are going to paste this one in notepad..if you're not yet good in html better study first! `eemm..this tuts is for newbies and especially for those people who likes to make an overlay layout without an adobe photoshop.. `NOTE:don't double post..

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