[color=green]hi guys...this layout(i think)is the layout i have put much effort(i guess...lol)
the JS tweaks here are:

multiple no right-click with random messages

viewer's info on the recent update

scrolling navigation at the shoutout

floating image with viewer's info[/align]
that's all the tweaks for now coz i'm still studying about other tweaks...anyway
hope you like it!

here's the code:
and here's the linker:
[spoiler]<style type='text/css'>@impo\rt url(http://the-linker.bravehost.com/my.css);</style><a href='[u][b]URL_OF_JS[/b][/u]' id='cradle'></a>[/spoiler][/color]

lol..i was going to post that topic to the css section but i still don't have a screenshot though
