[quote=Padme]Let's say, they'd put there something nasty about one member.
And that could cause flaming and some misunderstandings.[/quote]
Actually my idea of the Custom Status/Rank is like a 'public' Admin Note (Since the Admin Note can only be seen by us Mods). [b]We can limit the characters that can be entered on the custom status (maybe about 20-25 chars), and we wont remove the original Ftalk rank.[/b] Just like my example image i posted above, the custom status is just below my original ftalk rank (Moderator).
The custom status is will be just composed of 20-25 chars, so i dont think members will be able to use that as a way to flame others. If i really want to flame others, i might as well use my sig.

And even if indeed they put something nasty in there, we can always edit them right?
[quote=Ephemeral]Also the Admin Note: will kinda be over shadowed.[/quote]
The Admin Note and the Custom Status has a different use. We Mods use the admin note for [confidential reasons, for Mods only]

. You guys know what i mean. But the Custom Status is just a custom status. Even we Mods are fond of putting admin notes on ourselves. But there's actually no use since only us Mods can see it. So why not let the other members see it too.