[b]This Code Allows You to Put anything You want by Words Under Your Shout out Box, Just Below The Word[/b][color=#FF0000]"EDIT"[/color]
[b]This Code is based on the Idea of Sherwin's Code, I only have Permission From him to post this[/b]

[b]To the Mods If you think this script have no relevance, Please do Delete this...[/b]

[quote]var penyuberenang;
try {penyuberenang = document.createElement("div");}
catch (e) {penyuberenang = document.createElement("<div>");}
penyuberenang.innerHTML = "<div align='center' id='tw'>do not insert any text here</div>";
var content = "[color=blue]YOUR MESSAGE HERE[/color]";
function twDisplayTW() {twDisplay('tw',content,0);}
var brk = '~'; // character to use for line break
var resetTime = 0; // set to 0 to not reset or seconds to delay before reset
// Typewriter Text Javascript
// copyright 13th October, 2007 by Stephen Chapman
// permission to use this Javascript on your web page is granted
// provided that all of the code in this script (including these
// comments) is used without any alteration
// you can change the values above this notice to suit your requirements
function twDisplay(id,content,num) {var delay = 140; if (num <= content.length) {var lt = content.substr(0,num); document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = lt.replace(RegExp(brk,'g'),'<br \/>'); num++; if (num > content.length) delay = resetTime * 1000;} else {document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = ''; num = 0;} if (delay > 0) setTimeout('twDisplay("'+id+'","'+content+'","'+num+'")',delay);} var pageLoaded = 0; window.onload = function() {pageLoaded = 1;}; function loaded(i,f) {if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById(i) != null) f(); else if (!pageLoaded) setTimeout('loaded(\''+i+'\','+f+')',100);}[/quote]
[b]Compile this on Your JS Extension File..[/b]
[b]Preview here[/b]

[b]Just Look on the Shoutout Box Before the Profile Fully Loads[/b]
[url=http://profiles.friendster.com/jairi1811]My YUI[/url]
[quote]Credits Go on the Creator [color=#FF0000]Stephen Chapman[/color] To [color=blue]Sherwin[/color] For Letting me post this and For [color=blue]DracoKnight[/color] for the idea..[/quote]
Last edited by BwizetT (2008-07-08 00:38:10)