can i request a layout?
Title: *~=+__*~=+__Welcome to the world of ♥geedeon♥__+=~*__+=~*
Theme: broken emo
Images: for the background this is the image url:
and for the personalized banner/crosover picture:
and also for shoutoutbox:
for the headers and buttons you are the one to have it
Other details:
With many js tweaks
eg. image effects
Who viewed me
no right click shake message with viewers name
welcome and goodbye alertbox with viewers name
title bar and status bar
many primary photo
mini youtube of my youtube video
and should i request for the friends at the vice versa position..on the left side.
and your the one to make and think other tweaks
Tnx in advance
I am willing to wait♥m,wah..hope my request will be granted
vote me at teen200 club♫♫♥♥please I need your help so vote me♥♥♫♫
just click this button to vote me:
[url=http://www.toplist.teen200.com/friendster/index.php?a=in&u=geedz_uno][img]http://www.toplist.teen200.com/friendster/button.php?u=geedz_uno[/img][/url] [/color]
Last edited by geedz_uno (2008-07-01 06:11:13)