2008-07-02 10:50:10

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://i39.tinypic.com/juahsn.png[/img][/align]

[b][quote]wah...im sori....im the leader of the group yet im not always online... uhmmm....im so soorry guys...coz im sooper dooper BUSY in school lately. i have many WORKS....since CN(College Of Nursing) WEEK will be NEXT WEEK.. so im really busy in many fields... My group and i will join the POP DANCE COMPETITION then im recommended to join the BANNER MAKING CONTEST.. and a BACK-UP SINGER for the talent portion of our level participant for the Mr. and Miss NURSING!.. and I will also help our ORGANIZATION since our org organizes the event... wah!..im really busy...and take note...i go home SUPER LATE.. until 9-10 in the evening..wah![/quote] PLEASE WELCOME THE NEW MEMBERS HERE! [quote]BTW... i already saw ONE ARTWORKER personally... as in she is AIME aka APPLERAIN. we are schoolmates! ahehehehe[/quote] [quote]and BTW...regarding the CONTEST..im sorry but i still dont have the FINAL RESULT...it was indeed a really tough contest...its so hard to choose.. i'll just surprise you guys... OH GOD...i know the contestants are already craving for the RESULT.. im sori...im gonna decide now...dont wori[/quote] [/b]

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