[quote=Rei Ryuzaki]you said that you gotta sleep[mean off ayt],so i just say "tatay" it means bye2.
ahah. that my own word Y *peace*[/quote]
[b]aaah ok. hahaha. [i]tatay[/i] too!

[quote=imdemoprincess]hey bro theejhay!
nice sig you got there! you are very good at graphics!!
nytie nyt[/quote]
[b]aww. thanks. you're works are good too.

[quote=shunz_7]hi guys..
i cannot cope with you anymore..
coz i've been busy in school..
i notice there's so many post already...
so i cant read them one by one..
just want to say I MISS YOU ALL!
[b]missyu too sis shine. haha. i pm'ed you on ym.. haha.. but yeah, i'm in noww. thankks!

[quote=anime_mania_01]@bro theehjay
welcome there! sorry for the late greeting! nice to meet you~! nyway, here is ur UB, nyway, hope u like it (my works aren't worth it, yours are the bez )[/quote]
[b]aww. thanks sis. i've always wanted my own UB.

thankss. and naah, you're works are good too. you're not gonna be here if your works arent good right? hehe. soo yah, thanks again.. wait,, can i also put this in my siggy section? are we allowed to put 2 siggs?[/b]
Last edited by theejhay (2008-07-13 14:21:58)