[b]bro theejhay[/b]
whoaa.. so lucky! I wish I was there, david archuleta just had a concert there, lulz..

don't mind those kind of ppl? I forgot bout em olredy, haha... I have added u in YM

when rei pm me, I reply and it is disabled, I was like [i]"GOSH! He disabled it agen,how should I rply??"[/i]
lol, good thing there is artwork101
Lulz, I dun want a crush that can't make me 'crush' my own dreams, hahah, I'm just too young for a serious relationship, I'm just 14 3 going to 14 fterall

nyway, why did u disable ur PM? It's pretty complicated if I want to PM u back
Last edited by anime_mania_01 (2008-07-14 10:07:56)