:arrow: Cradle - for the linker
:arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM
:arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js
:arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a
yuo2x!you got it right bro, it loads different js for IE and FF.. im also using that podo's code for my profile!..but, in my js file, i separate the TRAcker from the other JS file, so that to aviod, ease or minimize some errors when loading our files.., the good thing about this is that, when the linker mis being filtered, i use the main js file in CONVERSION FOLDEr, by using the CSS of now, im just using the other main js, thus using the JS LINKER.... but if its being filtered, i swap instantly, to CSS FILE(already converted js is there..). and use CSS this point, i got no need to worry of arranging my files, all over again!..@refresh/reload..