• » Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

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Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF and IE :arrow: mickyriora- for compilation of js tutorial :arrow: eehjay- for compilation of trick :arrow: ephemeral -for tricks and tutorial directory :arrow: xavierkym- for DIV ID/class and hide codes :arrow: Feruzz - for the nice scripts im using.. :arrow: Portuniecho,bobcbar, and lordheinz again - for helping me a lot,if there are times, i dont know what to do... :arrow: ripway.com,dynamicdrive.com,javascript.internet.com :arrow::fellow FTALK members, for keeping on sharing, nice nice script.. :arrow: and GOD for the life,knowledge,and patience!:P [quote][img]http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/3391/new4folderwb8.png[/img][/quote] 1) Create a folder in your ripway by clicking "create subfolder"(see the drawing?), and name it!of course!:P in my case, i named it "FS" 2) If your done, now cLick the created folder,and wait.. 3) now if your already inside of your created folder, create four(4) folders,named it the following(just like the drawing): [quote]a) css b) js c) linker d) tracker[/quote] 4) after successfully creating that, now its time to organize your files! right?=) 5) begin with CSS files *** for CSS files *** Click your CSS folder now if your inside CSS FOlder,Click create "TEXT FILE" then now, paste or compile your css.. then click "save" 6) now next is for TRACKER files.... *** for TRACKER files *** Click your Tracker folder now if your inside TRACKER FOlder,Click create "TEXT FILE" then now, paste or compile your css.. note: aLL tracker compilation should be placed here, its up to you what kind of tracker wiLL you use... then click "save" here are some kinds of tracker: Lordheinz: [url]http://theftalk.com/t19012-Accordion-Tracker-%5B06-19-08-UPDATED%21%5D.html[/url] Shirow Masamune and Shakiro 214 [url]http://theftalk.com/t23293-WVM-2.3-%28with-new-features-and-with-shakiro214%27s-modifications%2B%29.html[/url] marfillaster [url]http://theftalk.com/t11645-WVMv3.2.0-beta-w-Hosting---marfillaster.html[/url] 6.a) done with tracker?..oh i dont think so..:D its because i want you to create or duplicate another "tracker.js" >>> see the drawing below... the green one is TRACKER FOR MOZILLA while the violet is for INTERNET EXPLOrer.... [img]http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/886/trackerhr8.png[/img] note: place [color=blue]setTimeout("onProfileLoad()",4000);[/color] in your tracker for INTERNET EXPLORER <">7) now proceed to JS FOLDER,.. in this folder you wiLL create or upload your JAVASCRIPT..as many as you can!.. the only thing need here is the link... the one you wiLL use later... >>> see the drawing below.... the orange one is the url link... [img]http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/5023/linkpz9.png[/img] 8)now its time for LINKER FOLDER..., [img]http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/3008/conversionmi2.png[/img] in the drawing you could see a folder named "CONVERSION", and two js file.... the green one is my MAIN JS FILE for FIREFOX, while the violet is my MAIN JS FILE for INTERNET EXPLORER... ****inside CONVERSION FOLDER**** >>> in here , this is where i made SWIT POTATOS trick for conversion of JS TO CSS for the purpose of CSS LINKER... read it here>>> [url]http://theftalk.com/t30269-Converting-Compile-JS-to-Css.html[/url] >>> in here also, this is where i made sHakiro trick for IE and FF( the red part) this is the code [quote]//This is a shakiro214 production //In cooperation with friendsterTalk forum var JS = document.createElement("script"); var browser=navigator.appName; var mic="Microsoft Internet Explorer"; if (browser==mic){ lagann = new Array(); lagann[0]="http://h1.ripway.com/username/fs/linker/main2.js"; lagann[1]="[color=#FF0000]http://h1.ripway.com/[/color]username[color=#FF0000]/fs/linker/main2.js[/color]"; toppa=Math.floor(Math.random() * lagann.length); JS.type = "text/javascript"; JS.src=lagann[toppa]; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(JS); } else { gurren = new Array(); gurren[0]="[color=blue]http://h1.ripway.com/[/color]username[color=blue]/fs/linker/main.js[/color]"; gurren[1]="[color=blue]http://h1.ripway.com/[/color]username[color=blue]/fs/linker/main.js[/color]"; tengen=Math.floor(Math.random() * gurren.length); JS.type = "text/javascript"; JS.src=gurren[tengen]; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(JS); }[/quote] replace the red one with your MAIN JS File for FIREFOX while the blue one with your MAIN JS File for INTERNET EXPLORER username= replace it with your valid username in ripway... then if your totally done... proceed to underground section for the linker.... and paste it in your media box the linker... note: i suggest revert it first to delete the embedded css, then after reverting it, paste the linker,save it.. then now, test your profile in both FIREFOX and INTERNET EXPLORER!!!.. my preview>>> [url]http://www.friendster.com/m0g0l[/url] 100% tested in FIREFOX and INTERNET EXPLORE.... the GOOD thing about organizing your profile as what i did is that , you can use WVM in FIREFOX and INTERNET EXPLORER without worrying of getting it doubled... aside from that, you can minimize error from your files, by knowing which javascript files are compatible for FF and IE... weLL2x, so much for that... additional suggestion is that,. replace your CSS injection with CSS LOADER... <">ok, so much that.. i think,as of now i wiLL end it up to here, im stiLL gonna do my programming in c++.. ok, guys..take good cre!..Godbless... im stiLL gonna bang my head in our c++ program!!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Last edited by m0g0l (2008-07-11 22:22:49)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

amazing.. this is very nice hehe i use firefox.. thanks for this one
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

[b]its because you can segregate your files, different from FIREFOX and different from Internet Explorer...[/b]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

lols... i can't read your screen shot! bwt, anyway.. thanks for this tutorial!
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

hehe.. im so sorry... the screenshot is just really too small.. ms paint only!.. =|
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

hmm it's more like to load different js extension ayt? one for IE and one for Fx like podo's post... (i'm also using one) but the best part in it is that you can randomly load different js extension/layout for each browser... am i right? heheh that's a nice trick by shakiro then!! \m/ =D and thanx for posting it m0g0l... :thumbsup: and if i'm right... just a suggestion... better add that you can put different js extension/layouts on each to fully use the concept of the codes... [b]EX:[/b] lagann = new Array(); lagann[0]="http://h1.ripway.com/username/fs/linker/IElayout[b]1[/b].js"; lagann[1]="http://h1.ripway.com/username/fs/linker/IElayout[b]2[/b].js"; lagann[1]="http://h1.ripway.com/username/fs/linker/IElayout[b]3[/b].js"; coz you can just use podo's codes if you're just going to use only one js extension for IE and also only one for FX ... podo's code [quote]var podo = document.createElement("script"); var browser=navigator.appName; var mic="Microsoft Internet Explorer"; if (browser==mic){ podo.type = "text/javascript"; podo.src = "INSERT UR IE URL HERE"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(podo); } else { podo.type = "text/javascript"; podo.src = "INSERT UR FIREFOX URL HERE"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(podo); }[/quote] or what i'm using... [quote]if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { var IEscript = document.createElement("script"); IEscript.type = "text/javascript"; IEscript.src = "INSERT UR IE URL HERE"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(IEscript); } else { var FXscript = document.createElement("script"); FXscript.type = "text/javascript"; FXscript.src = "INSERT UR FIREFOX URL HERE"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(FXscript); }[/quote] just a suggestion bro coz i think the codes trick is very cool!! :eh: :D

Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2008-07-11 11:16:58)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

Nice trick brother... thanks for share
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

wow praise you mogol!!! I've been waiting for this kinda thread I guess this will answer some of my questions!!!:eh:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

yuo2x!you got it right bro, it loads different js for IE and FF.. im also using that podo's code for my profile!..but, in my js file, i separate the TRAcker from the other JS file, so that to aviod, ease or minimize some errors when loading our files.., the good thing about this is that, when the linker mis being filtered, i use the main js file in CONVERSION FOLDEr, by using the CSS LINKER...as of now, im just using the other main js, thus using the JS LINKER.... but if its being filtered, i swap instantly, to CSS FILE(already converted js is there..). and use CSS LINKER...at this point, i got no need to worry of arranging my files, all over again!..@refresh/reload..
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

[b]^^[/b] since step 5 is for ur css files, the extension shud b [b].css[/b] ([i]i.e[/i]. [b]sample.css[/b]) [b]@topic:[/b] dfrnt js for IE and FF...? hmmmnnnn.... this tut is kewl... but im using [url=http://theftalk.com/t34452-june-6-2008-Linker-Solutions-(bandwidth-problems)-UPDATED!.html]daryll's[/url]... coz its shorter.... :paranoid: :penguin: :penguin: nice topic though... ;)
  • » Credits::thumbsup: :arrow: Cradle - for the linker :arrow: Lordheinz, Shirow, marfillaster, etc. - for WVM :arrow: Switpotato - for conversion of CSS to js :arrow: Shakiro214- for dual codes for FF a

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