This is for :
[quote]People who dosn't have an adobe photoshop.[/quote]

First,Open Your Ms Paint.

Then Make your shape like a siggie

Click Edit>Paste From then,add pics.

Save ur Siggie File>Save As>Tittle/Name

Now,go to Lunapic: [url=www.lunapic.com]Click Here[/url]

Browse ur siggie and press open and upload it.

Then, At the left u can see a T press the 'T' for text.

Then u can just fill in.
P.S. If u want an animation,make sure ur siggie pic isn't a graphic.And,you have to wait for the page to load.

Then press the save button at the left side

And then press right click at ur siggie and save as and ur done!!!
Here is The preview :
I Hope this tut. Helps you.
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And after ur done making,show ur masterpiece here!! (If u don't want also can!)[/color][/align]
Last edited by EleeGirl (2008-10-25 21:51:14)