this is just simple,
post here anything that happens [b]Yesterday[/b],
it could be in your life in your neighbor in your pets or in our world,
[i]basta[/i] it happens Yesterday..and for [b]Today[/b] likewise, anything that Happens Today
and for [b]Tomorrow[/b] if you have a third eye and you can foresee the Tomorrow post it here!
lols just kidding if you have plans for tomorrow share it here!
[b]Yesterday>[/b] we had a 5 hours class.
[b]Today>[/b] their had been an 8 hours brownout in our town.
[b]Tomorrow> [/b]we'll have our prelim exam.and i'm planning to burn a new cd's!
that's it..
Last edited by bles_212000 (2008-07-13 08:10:34)