[spoiler]Edit: I took a new shots last September 4, 2008 for my new and old drawings using RAZRV3xxv 2meg pixel + I added names in my every drawings:)
Edit: Additinal Drawings during high school stage, I've been enhanced some of them lately working on it a couple of hours:)

Check them out hehehe:)
Edit: New: Yusuke long Hair added,
[b]New:[/b] 10-3-8... I've finally finished my drawing from the initial to final output. It takes
several days to finished depends on my mood! The fact that so many things to accomplish
during the days past. Check them out,
Initial sketch:
Highlighted using a Pen:
Sunlight Effect:
Colored with background(My own imagination)
Sunlight Effect:
Furthermore I haven't use any image editing software to enhance my drawings. If you want to see my drawings enhanced using a image editing software, just try to visit my friendster profile, I not that good at all:)
A Rushed birthday gift drawing. Tamahome and Miaka hehe",
Updated: 3-25-9
Updated: 5-9-9
Last edited by ReverzerO (2009-05-26 08:38:57)