2008-07-17 16:35:52

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://i39.tinypic.com/juahsn.png[/img][/align]

[quote=Rei Ryuzaki]^ yeah,me too bro ! ----- whoah!~ cool ava bro . so emo (//-)! nyaw .[/quote] [b]hahaha.. soo emo? haha.. well, i guess i have that "emo" look. LMAO![/b] [quote=anime_mania_01]@TJ wee, great, we have a singer in da group, lulz! Yeah, I know, even though I'm almost late for school, I always have the time to listen to him, coz, gosh! without his voice every morning, I won't even survive! lulz ho wold r u bro?[/quote] [b]i know huh.. i like him and David Cook. they're both great singers.. :lol: my age? i'm 15 yirs old. i'm soo old.. hahaha[/b] [b]@ate Chinny, wee~ yu're using the sigg that i made for Artwork 101.. hahaha.. thankks.[/b]

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