2008-07-18 05:54:01

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][img]http://i39.tinypic.com/juahsn.png[/img][/align]

[b]^ ahaha.. yah.. sis. when im online, others aren't haha. lolengs.. the election? it's fine.. but kinda harsh, 2 of my friends didn't vote for me.. haha.. they said they envy me. lolers. but it's fine with me. even though i got so offended. the votes were tough.. i'm just a freshman, and my other opponent is a 3rd yr. highschool, haha.. [i]3 votes lang lamang.[/i] :D @Bro Rei: hi there bro! how's it going! ? :D[/b]

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