2008-08-03 23:44:21

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [size=4][align=center][b][color=gray]"Happy 32nd Monthsary Ftalk University :)!" [/b][/align][/size][/color] [align=center][b](former FriendsterTalk University)[/b][/align] [align=center][i]July 17 20

[align=center] [img]http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk98/khinra/OFFICIALLL-SEEAAAALLL-1.gif[/img] [b]our NEW CONTEST!!! [/b][/align] our university needs a good gfxer.. and the winner for this contest will be the[b] FRIENDSTERTALK UNIVERSITY OFFICIAL GFXER[/b].. you should include the university official seal... [img]http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk98/khinra/jfnasfnalsn.gif[/img] you can edit the seal if ya want to ( im giving you the permission to do so.. heheh) [b] criteria:[/b] creativity. uniqueness simplicity [b]colors:[/b] its up to you... [b]animation:[/b] NO animation (for sig and banner) [b]You're required to create the following::[/b] -> avatar (100/100) -> sig (400/150) -> banner (700/300) -> userbar (400/25) just PM me your gfxs if yer done... [b]contest duration:[/b] 5 days if your interested.. you can pm me here or in ym ( jheshien_gien_2815) pls participate... thanks... [b] I need the list of participants who will join the contest[/b] [b] -FU SECRETARY-[/b]

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