2007-07-27 17:23:37

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: The title says it all...

This is rather odd. Why are girls making their reply-posts too? Isn't the question addressed for boys only? Well if it goes for both, might as well give an answer. I talk to myself. Emulate a character on TV who "could be" an apt icon for a debating character. :D Or .. The casual try-outs for "schizufrenia"? (I dunno if I spelled that one right. My apologies.) -Try making a world of your own in your mind and start acting like you have a soul-slayer. "Ban-Kai!?!!" ..If you get tired killing "the hollows", You'll drop dead sooner or later. :) When you wake up, you'll realize how stupid could you actually get when you can't fall asleep. :D

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