2008-08-05 10:44:42

Infamous J
» FTalkElite
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Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[b]@Guile[/b] [spoiler] [quote=the_legend_killer]:arrow: the_legend_killer hello their guile :arrow: guile hello also the_legend killer :arrow: the_legend_killer you idolized guile of street fighter, am i right?! :arrow: guile yup bro and also my name is long so i just remove 5 letters in my name and it came up with guile :arrow: the_legend_killer wow nice idea getting your nickname bro :arrow: guile yeah tnx bro and you also idolized randy orton huh?! :arrow: the_legend_killer yeah bro he's my idol in wwe :arrow: guile hehe i also think he's a great wrestler :arrow: the_legend_killer hehe yup your right btw guile can we stop this nonsense discussion?! :arrow: guile sure maybe someone reading this might think that im insane now :arrow: the_legend_killer haha your not insane enough dude your just insane right now :arrow: guile you bet damn im insane now! =D[/quote] Hahahaha you must have really been bored, bro. :lol: :lol: :lol: [/spoiler] [quote=Arctic]well rockstars :| sis aprodhite has left us...[/quote] Aww, wonder why she left? :doubt: [quote=Arctic]but we have someone new in here.. :D welcome to.. :arrow:rezza[/quote] Welcome to Rockstars, Rezza. Hope you enjoy your stay with us. You can call me Jesse. So I hope everybody's doing fine. Hello to all Rockstars online.

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