2008-08-07 00:42:23

i i LeA i i
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [spoiler][b]Do not remove these notices[/b] [quote=eehjhay]Due to Major Forum Clean-up, some old topics related to linkers will be moved to [url=http://theftalk.com/f52-Archives.html]Archive[/u

[quote=bles_212000]ripway had been terminated and others is suspended, uhmm.. and i read this from help sections [quote]Ripway is now enforcing our no-tolerance policy towards malware. We've never expressly permitted any malicious files to be stored on Ripway, but we've recently completed a comprehensive virus / malware / greyware scanning system that will find any such content uploaded to accounts, remove it within 10 minutes, and terminate the user account.[/quote] [/quote] whoow!now ripway is starting to be strict nowadays.. well,it's for the users good anyways.. [quote=bobcbar]Great idea angel..I will change mine for sure :o the linker evens loads faster than the others in IE7. :thumbsup:[/quote] yep!agree with you those linkers really loads fast.. but i was just wondering if those linkers are compatible with IE and FF browser?? I tried one but the only thing it loads was my css.. my js are not showing up.. Nyweiz,i just save it for good.. And just used the linker posted on the 1st page..

Last edited by i i LeA i i (2008-08-07 00:43:09)

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