Pages: 123456..6

  2007-08-05 11:03:07

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

[b] PREVIEW: [/b] [url][/url] [url][/url] Its on NAVIGATION BOX part of my profile just to activate just click the NAVIGATION LI

[b] PREVIEW: [/b] [url][/url] [url][/url] Its on NAVIGATION BOX part of my profile just to activate just click the NAVIGATION LINK (MY RADIO) :thumbsup: It Loads many times faster than MP3 :arrow: [url=]DOWNLOAD THE RBS PLAYLIST GENERATOR[/url] [b] Instruction[/b] - Unzip the file - Copy and paste the MP3 files you want to add to your into the creat.sound folder. Then click the appropriate batch file (read the "HOW IT WORKS" to see which one you should use). A black box should pop up and stay there until it is done converting your MP3 files. When the box disappears, it is finished. To make sure that it has converted your MP3 files in to RBS, go to your sounds folder (the one inside creat.sound) -- there should be the RBS version of your songs. - Find a host that supports PHP, XML, and RBS files. ( - Create a folder called "sounds" on your host and inside that folder, upload the following files that you should have unzipped from downloading * playlist.php * crossdomain.xml * template.xsl Then make another folder inside your sounds/ folder. Name it "playlist 1" or whatever you want your playlist to be called. Inside the folder, upload the RBS files from your creat.sound/sounds folder. - Make a php file on a different folder. paste this code and save as something.php [b]CODE:[/b] [quote]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> RadioBlog.playlist = '[b]URL OF YOUR PLAYLIST.PHP[/b]'; RadioBlog.width = '550px'; RadioBlog.height = '320px'; RadioBlog.color.body = '#cc0000'; RadioBlog.color.border = '#999999'; RadioBlog.color.button = '#999999'; RadioBlog.color.player_text = '#999999'; RadioBlog.color.playlist_text = '#FFFFFF'; RadioBlog.autoplay.tracknum = '2'; RadioBlog.crossfader = 0; RadioBlog.cover = '0'; RadioBlog.start(); </script> </body> </html>[/quote] Open NOTEPAD and PASTE the 2nd code [b]2nd CODE[/b] [quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){diabolic()})) window.onload = function(){onod()}; function diabolic() { var thesidebar="<div align=\"center\" id=\"radio\"><iframe frameborder=0 scrolling=yes height=330 width=100% src=[b]YOUR PHP FILE GOES HERE[/b]></iframe></div>"; addSideBar("MY MUSIC",thesidebar,"div_side"); } function addSideBar(head,htm,div_id) { var innerHtm=htm; var cont= "<div id='"+div_id+"' class='commonbox "+div_id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+div_id+"'>"+ innerHtm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; try { var obj=document.createElement("<li>"); } catch(e) { var obj=document.createElement("li"); } var x=document.getElementById("friends_2_2"); x.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(obj); obj.innerHTML=cont; }[/quote] Replace [b]YOUR PHP FILE GOES HERE[/b] with the something.php file you just made. That's it! Paste this code into your compiled js (JS EXTENSION/ EXTERNAL JS) :thumbsup: [b]Note: [/b] Sometimes while RBS error occurs when that happen refresh the iframe :thumbsup: I get the idea from astro the site admin of [b] Updates:[/b] GO [url=]HERE[/url] FOR VERSION II of this TUTORIAL

Last edited by diabolicious (2007-11-21 20:54:07)

Pages: 123456..6

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