[quote]In the beginning, everyone is free to attack in whatever way they desire, whoever they desire, but as the game progresses, new objectives shall become avaliable, namely, the declarance of Pangulo, the ability to Make a Pact, and the ability to declare an Alliance.
Pangulo - When a clan is knocked down to 30 points, the ability to declare a Pangulo is permitted. Only one person has that power, and that person is whoever has made the most attacks for that clan. When 30 points or lower is reached, only that person can make a post claiming Pangulo for that clan - ALL ATTACKS WILL HALT ON ALL CLANS until there are two confirmations that person is the majority leader on attacks, AND that a Pangulo has been declared for a clan. This sole-decider can claim the title for himself, or for another in his clan. As a Pangulo, a player has the ability to Make a Pact and form an Alliance.
Make a Pact - If a Pangulo finds his clan in really bad shape, he can choose the option to Make a Pact. This means that he can pick any one alliance in the game to grant 3 of his flags to, and in turn, he spares his clan from that clan's attacks for a period of 25 attacks (total, including as his own men attack other clans). Any number of pacts can be made, but all pacts overlap. For example, if the Kapri Pangulo makes a pact with the Aswang clan and the Leon clan at the same time, each of those two clans recieves 3 flags, the Kapri loses 6 flags, and for 25 total attacks, no attacks may be made from the Aswang or the Leon against the Kapri. However, warriors from the Kapri are still free to attack the Aswang and Leon clans.
Alliance - When a clan reaches 10 flags or lower, a Pangulo may choose to fight on to the end, or make the ultimate sacrifice. If a Pangulo declares an Alliance, he can give up the remaining points of his entire clan to any other clan he chooses, in turn, giving up his position as Pangulo but giving his support to that other clan in turn.[/quote]
[b]hindi pa pla ako ang pangulo, i need to votes of kapre members[/b].