Pages: 12344

  2007-08-15 19:35:59

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

[b]UPDATED:[/b] Oct. 1, '07 This script will put a countdown box as a timer before redirecting to your profile.. you can see this code on most of the javascript free tutorial site... sorry... my en

[b]UPDATED:[/b] Oct. 1, '07 This script will put a countdown box as a timer before redirecting to your profile.. you can see this code on most of the javascript free tutorial site... sorry... my enter page is different... but go to the link below to see a sample... [b]PREVIEW:[/b] [url=]go here[/url] <">put the codes inside your [b]HTML[/b] page... <head> [b]CODES HERE[/b] </head> 1. just change the text size, color and font at your liking. 2. use break tags at the form to expand some space on it. 3. at the var countdownfrom=(CHOOSE THE NUMBER U LIKE) 4. make a text note like..."you're about to enter in..." 5. don't forget to put your USER ID. :arrow: If you want to add the wav sound effect... look for this part... countredirect() //--> </script> then insert the blue script... [quote]countredirect() [color=blue]function playSounds() { document.all.tune.src = "DIRECT LINK OF YOUR WAV FILE" }[/color]//--> </script>[/quote] and at the body add this... [quote]<body OnLoad="playSounds()"> <bgsound id="tune">[/quote] [b]example:[/b] [quote]<html> <head> <form name="redirect"> <center> <font color="white" size="5" face="Arial"><b>[b]If you do not click the image to enter my page<br>before the countdown stops... I will send you a Monster har har har[/b]</font> <form><input type="text" size="6" name="redirect2"></form> <font color="white" size="5" face="Arial">seconds</font> </center> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var targetURL="[b] USER ID[/b]" var countdownfrom=[b]20[/b] var currentsecond=document.redirect.redirect2.value=countdownfrom+1 function countredirect(){ if (currentsecond!=1){ currentsecond-=1 document.redirect.redirect2.value=currentsecond } else{ window.location=targetURL return } setTimeout("countredirect()",1000) } countredirect() function playSounds() { document.all.tune.src = "DIRECT LINK OF YOUR WAV FILE" } //--> </script> </head> <body OnLoad="playSounds()" bg color="ffffff"> <bgsound id="tune"> <center><a href=' FRIENDSTER ID'><img src="" border="0" width="187" height="187"></a></center> </body> </html>[/quote] :arrow: [b]IMPORTANT:[/b] go to the link below for more clarification on adding sounds. --> [url=]Enter Page w/ sounds[/url] okidoki :D

Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2009-06-16 00:05:29)

Pages: 12344

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