Pages: 12344

  2007-08-16 00:40:03

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

[b]UPDATED:[/b] Oct. 1, '07 This script will put a countdown box as a timer before redirecting to your profile.. you can see this code on most of the javascript free tutorial site... sorry... my en

[quote][/quote] [img][/img][align=center][/align] :puke: :evil: Code: <form name="redirect"> <center> <font color="white" size="5" face="Arial"><b>YOUR ENTER TEXT HERE</font> <form><input type="text" size="6" name="redirect2"></form> <font color="white" size="5" face="Arial">seconds</font> </center> <script> <!-- var targetURL=" USER ID" var countdownfrom=5 var currentsecond=document.redirect.redirect2.value=countdownfrom+1 function countredirect(){ if (currentsecond!=1){ currentsecond-=1 document.redirect.redirect2.value=currentsecond } else{ window.location=targetURL return } setTimeout("countredirect()",1000) } countredirect() //--> </script>

Last edited by thugs (2007-08-16 00:40:54)

Pages: 12344

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