Si eney..? Hmmm... pero ang kadalasan mag attack ay si mirhadz...
[quote=nanix84]Elect Pangulo - When a clan is knocked down to 30 points, the ability to declare a Pangulo is permitted. Only one person has that power, and that person is whoever has made the most attacks for that clan. When 30 points or lower is reached, only that person can make a post claiming Pangulo for that clan - ALL ATTACKS WILL HALT ON ALL CLANS until there are two confirmations that person is the majority leader on attacks, AND that a Pangulo has been declared for a clan. This sole-decider can claim the title for himself, or for another in his clan. As a Pangulo, a player has the ability to Make a Pact and form an Alliance.
(If a Pangulo is inactive for days, the next highest attacker may claim the role. If a Pangulo knows he will be absent, he may also pass on the role (but in effect, he might be forever giving it up, since the new Pangulo will have sole-power over whether the title is given back or not.)[/quote]
payag ka na ba na si eney yung pangulo
if payag ka... si eney na lang gawin nating pangulo