[quote=ninafaye]"Portii" By: Chariz.
"Muffin" By: NinaFaye to Chariz.
"Strawbereii-Cudlee" By: Jer.
"StarPuff" By: NinaFaye To Jer.
"Nina-Pooh" By: Phia
"Syuugar Plum" By: NinaFaye to Phia
"[b]Cupei-Caek[/b]" By: Nahz.
"Choc-o-ho-lic" By: Nina Faye to Nahz.
"Twinkle Puffer" By: Dondon
"Doniedoniedon" By: Nina Faye to Dondon.
"Jiggly" By: Tinay
"Puff" By: NinaFaye to Tinay [JigglyPuff]
"Cuddle" By: Bheszt
"Puffer" By: NinaFaye to Bheszt.
--- Did I Forgot Something? Mastaken Something? Please Comment So That I Can Update or Edit It.[/quote]
[b]You got mistaken cousin.
My call name fer you is Sweet.Honey.Pie... I think you forgot it

Lolz. It's okie. xD[/b]