2008-10-15 07:37:35

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKQLoYV23I8[/youtube] [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/282qjc8.png[/img] [quote]For more kalokohan, visit our unofficial site: [url]http://thescandale

[b]LabiDabs[/b] Aww. I've seen its Bridget. Haha. :lol: Look at this [b]v[/b]. LOL X3 She just quoted Bridget's post. xP [spoiler][quote=shim oo ma][quote=bridget]Linniie| Teddy No one else should call her Teddy,If I know someone who is calling her taht,Prepare to die!Joke.This gal is a really funny one.She always does complement on my works taht I only share to her..This teddy is really pretty,One of the prettiest gals at Ftalk. Trixx.xii | Candy This gal is also one of the gals that I adore most,One of the prettiest.She is good in making GFX,One of the greatest.She would also comfort you.Yeah,At first,You would think that this gal is suplada but the problem is,She isn`t..She is funny,very FUNNY.I would liek to see her cam. Louise.27 | Louise She is very cute and sweet.I always read her confessions and it seemed that she is always broken-hearted</3.Well,I can say taht she is very funny too.Her words,in her confessions are very meaningful to each teen out there who is broken hearted. Jerriedee | Jhed She is very fun to talk to and very kind.IMY Jhed..I hope I could talk to you again.I often see her as a mod or admin in other forums,So it means taht she is good. Jirichi Ryunashiri | Yuna Prettty gal.Shirow is only hers,If you ever hurt r flirt Shirow,Prepare to die!~.Seriously.She is sweet,very. We always meet in Friendster,Friendstertalk,Crunchyroll & Multiply.Ohohohoho.I loev Yuna so very very much<33 Obsessed95 | Chocolate Chariz!~Woah.I didn`t think that she is very sweet. She is very fun to talk to,pretty and a creative gfx maker.Chocolate is always there for you,If you have problems.Awww-IMHer to DEATH. Bheszt_09 | Strawberry IMY Srawberry.Where are you?She is very swet,ALways gives complimentsto your works. Best gal evarr!~I don`t talk to her in YM that much.She is also pretty.She is creative,too. BRIDGEEEEEEEEEEET. YM - Saturday - 11 am. We'll have a chat there Don't worry, I'll prepare a funeral for you -- Thank you to those who crushes me and give compliments about my eyes hhehehehehe teh doll crushes you tooo kekeke[/quote] [/quote] [/spoiler] LOL see it? her crushes was on the NUNAA. xP WEE :] Labidabs? Where habe you been? why are you offline this days? :crybaby: WOOHH. I can't kill mai boredom yesterday :| Haha. ThankGod we have an practice. xP ALAABYOO TOO <33 [b]Jhed[/b] Sure. I'll be happy too. :P [b]Shin[/b] WAAHH. I can make you one. I DAMN MISS YOU SHIN. I heart you always <33 :wow:

Last edited by Trixx.xii (2008-10-15 07:38:46)

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