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  2008-10-31 04:24:08

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first download this files :) [url=]slimbox.css[/url] [url=]slimbox.js[/url] [url=]mediabox.js[/url] [url=]QuickTime.js[/url] [url=]swfobject.js[/url] i just in include QuickTime.js & swfobject.js, if you don't want to used swf & Quicktime player don't used those files :) Installation :) [quote]Asset.css('[b]slimbox.css link here[/b]'); Asset.javascript('[b]QuickTime.js link here[/b]'); Asset.javascript('[b]swfobject.js link here[/b]'); Asset.javascript('[b]mediabox.js link here[/b]'); window.addEvent('domready', function() { document.getElements('img').each(function(e){e.getParent().rel='Lightbox';e.getParent().href=e.src}); Asset.javascript('[b]slimbox.js link here[/b]'); }); window.addEvent('domready', function() {onPageLoad()});[/quote] just edit the bold parts, and paste it on your js file :) it also triggered your images with that script :) How to apply? heres the plain html code :) [quote]<a href="[b]link here[/b]"rel="mediabox[[color=#FF0000]1100[/color] [color=blue]550[/color]]" title="[b]Title here[/b]">[b]Link title[/b]</a>[/quote] [color=#FF0000]red[/color] - width [color=blue]blue[/color] - height just modify on the code by using rel="[b]mediabox[/b]" attributes :penguin: for image, instead of using [b]mediabox[/b] rel attributes used [b]lightbox[/b] :penguin: [quote]<a href=""[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightbox[/b]" title="[b]Title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a>[/quote] if you don't like to make a thumbnail, used this instead :penguin: [quote]<a href=""[b]link here[/b]" rel="lightbox" title="[b]Title here[/b]"><img src="[b]image link here[/b]" width="[b]75[/b]px" height="[b]75[/b]px"/></a>[/quote] just edit the bold parts with your own :) for your gallery, instead of using [b]mediabox[/b] or [b]lightbox[/b] rel attributes used [b]lightboxatomium[/b] gallery example :) [quote]<a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a><a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]image link here[/b]"/></a><a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a><a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a><a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a><a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a>[/quote] if you don't like to make a thumbnail :) just add [quote]width="[b]75[/b]px" height="[b]75[/b]px"[/quote] just modify on the width & height you like :) on open, direct to your [b]About Me[/b] or [b]Who i want to meet[/b] section :penguin: [quote]<body onload="'[b]Link here[/b]', '[b]Title here[/b]', 'mediabox[[color=#FF0000]1100[/color] [color=blue]500[/color]]')">[/quote] right click, direct to your [b]About Me[/b] or [b]Who i want to meet[/b] section :penguin: [quote]<script type="text/javascript"> function popup(){'[b]Link here[/b]', '[b]Title here[/b]', 'mediabox[[color=#FF0000]1100[/color] [color=blue]500[/color]]'); } document.oncontextmenu=popup </script>[/quote] [color=#FF0000]red[/color] - width [color=blue]blue[/color] - height thats it! just modify on the code by using there rel attributes, [b]mediabox[/b] for link, [b]lighbox[/b] for image, [b]lightboxatomium[/b] for gallery :) don't forget to change the [b]"[/b] into [b]\"[/b] on applying it on your js file :) [url=]examples[/url] [url=]preview[/url] credits :arrow: [b][/b] (for mediabox)

Last edited by simpleMe (2008-12-06 22:28:45)

Pages: 12

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