• » Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

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Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first download this files :) [url=http://h1.ripway.com/retch/mediabox/slimbox.css]slimbox.css[/url] [url=http://h1.ripway.com/retch/mediabox/slimbox.js]slimbox.js[/url] [url=http://h1.ripway.com/retch/mediabox/mediabox.js]mediabox.js[/url] [url=http://h1.ripway.com/retch/mediabox/QuickTime.js]QuickTime.js[/url] [url=http://h1.ripway.com/retch/mediabox/swfobject.js]swfobject.js[/url] i just in include QuickTime.js & swfobject.js, if you don't want to used swf & Quicktime player don't used those files :) Installation :) [quote]Asset.css('[b]slimbox.css link here[/b]'); Asset.javascript('[b]QuickTime.js link here[/b]'); Asset.javascript('[b]swfobject.js link here[/b]'); Asset.javascript('[b]mediabox.js link here[/b]'); window.addEvent('domready', function() { document.getElements('img').each(function(e){e.getParent().rel='Lightbox';e.getParent().href=e.src}); Asset.javascript('[b]slimbox.js link here[/b]'); }); window.addEvent('domready', function() {onPageLoad()});[/quote] just edit the bold parts, and paste it on your js file :) it also triggered your images with that script :) How to apply? heres the plain html code :) [quote]<a href="[b]link here[/b]"rel="mediabox[[color=#FF0000]1100[/color] [color=blue]550[/color]]" title="[b]Title here[/b]">[b]Link title[/b]</a>[/quote] [color=#FF0000]red[/color] - width [color=blue]blue[/color] - height just modify on the code by using rel="[b]mediabox[/b]" attributes :penguin: for image, instead of using [b]mediabox[/b] rel attributes used [b]lightbox[/b] :penguin: [quote]<a href=""[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightbox[/b]" title="[b]Title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a>[/quote] if you don't like to make a thumbnail, used this instead :penguin: [quote]<a href=""[b]link here[/b]" rel="lightbox" title="[b]Title here[/b]"><img src="[b]image link here[/b]" width="[b]75[/b]px" height="[b]75[/b]px"/></a>[/quote] just edit the bold parts with your own :) for your gallery, instead of using [b]mediabox[/b] or [b]lightbox[/b] rel attributes used [b]lightboxatomium[/b] gallery example :) [quote]<a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a><a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]image link here[/b]"/></a><a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a><a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a><a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a><a href="[b]image link here[/b]" rel="[b]lightboxatomium[/b]" title="[b]title here[/b]"><img src="[b]thumbnail link here[/b]"/></a>[/quote] if you don't like to make a thumbnail :) just add [quote]width="[b]75[/b]px" height="[b]75[/b]px"[/quote] just modify on the width & height you like :) on open, direct to your [b]About Me[/b] or [b]Who i want to meet[/b] section :penguin: [quote]<body onload="Mediabox.open('[b]Link here[/b]', '[b]Title here[/b]', 'mediabox[[color=#FF0000]1100[/color] [color=blue]500[/color]]')">[/quote] right click, direct to your [b]About Me[/b] or [b]Who i want to meet[/b] section :penguin: [quote]<script type="text/javascript"> function popup(){ Mediabox.open('[b]Link here[/b]', '[b]Title here[/b]', 'mediabox[[color=#FF0000]1100[/color] [color=blue]500[/color]]'); } document.oncontextmenu=popup </script>[/quote] [color=#FF0000]red[/color] - width [color=blue]blue[/color] - height thats it! just modify on the code by using there rel attributes, [b]mediabox[/b] for link, [b]lighbox[/b] for image, [b]lightboxatomium[/b] for gallery :) don't forget to change the [b]"[/b] into [b]\"[/b] on applying it on your js file :) [url=http://h1.ripway.com/retch/mediabox/mediaboxxxx.html]examples[/url] [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/83667950]preview[/url] credits :arrow: [b]iaian7.com[/b] (for mediabox)

Last edited by simpleMe (2008-12-06 22:28:45)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

nice bro....thanks for sharing. :thumbsup: i wanna try now....
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

^ first to comment huh :) thanks for the comment bro :thumbsup:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

nice trickk!! ahaha

Last edited by yramjOy (2008-10-31 14:09:17)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

where should i paste this codes?? should i make another text file?? [quote]Asset.css('slimbox.css link here'); Asset.javascript('QuickTime.js link here'); Asset.javascript('swfobject.js link here'); Asset.javascript('mediabox.js link here'); window.addEvent('domready', function() { document.getElements('img').each(function(e){e.getParent().rel='Lightbox';e.getParent().href=e.src}); Asset.javascript('slimbox.js link here'); }); window.addEvent('domready', function() {onPageLoad()});[/quote] and how about this one?? where should i put this?? [quote]<a href="link here"rel="mediabox[1100 550]" title="Title here">Link title</a>[/quote] [quote]<a href=""image link here" rel="lightbox" title="Title here"><img src="thumbnail link here"/></a>[/quote] [quote]<a href=""link here" rel="lightbox" title="Title here"><img src="image link here" width="75px" height="75px"/></a>[/quote] [quote]<a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"><img src="thumbnail link here"/></a><a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"><img src="image link here"/></a><a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"><img src="thumbnail link here"/></a><a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"><img src="thumbnail link here"/></a><a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"><img src="thumbnail link here"/></a><a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"><img src="thumbnail link here"/></a>[/quote] [quote]<body onload="Mediabox.open('Link here', 'Title here', 'mediabox[1100 500]')">[/quote] [quote]<script> function popup(){ Mediabox.open('Link here', 'Title here', 'mediabox[1100 500]'); } document.oncontextmenu=popup </script>[/quote] Im sorry im lost..:crybaby:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

[b]Cant view the effects in ur preview. Im using FF 4.[/b] btw, nice sharing. :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

[quote=xoxotam]Asset.css('slimbox.css link here'); Asset.javascript('QuickTime.js link here'); Asset.javascript('swfobject.js link here'); Asset.javascript('mediabox.js link here'); window.addEvent('domready', function() { document.getElements('img').each(function(e){e.getParent().rel='Lightbox';e.getParent().href=e.src}); Asset.javascript('slimbox.js link here'); }); window.addEvent('domready', function() {onPageLoad()});[/quote] that goes to your js file :penguin: just modify on the plain html code (for eg. using it as addbox, controlpanel buttons, etc.) don't forget to change the [b]"[/b] into [b]\"[/b] :) [quote=---xXirukiTepe---]Cant view the effects in ur preview. Im using FF 4. btw, nice sharing. :D[/quote] it works perfectly in firefox 3 :penguin: some eg. is on my cp buttons :penguin:

Last edited by simpleMe (2008-10-31 22:45:05)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

hey..how can i apply the code to my js>>>??? ...
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

[quote=rainer]hey..how can i apply the code to my js>>>??? ...[/quote] read the instructions carefully :penguin:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

[b]just wana ask something..can we have a simple description of the trick..coz i dont get the idea and the use of your trick.[/b]
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

[b]wew, i olriidy know this..! :P BTW, thnx fer sharin' :eh:[/b]
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

ahaha..thank you.. hmm i already tried it..and its working.. but my only problem is..my albums.. when im clicking my photos i cant view all of my photos inside my albums.. and i cant see the next button.. btw what do you mean by this one.. [b]" into \"[/b]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

[quote=xoxotam]but my only problem is..my albums.. when im clicking my photos i cant view all of my photos inside my albums.. and i cant see the next button..[/quote] hover it to the right, and make sure you used [b]lightboxatomium[/b] rel attributes :penguin: [quote=xoxotam]btw what do you mean by this one.. " into \"[/quote] once you applied html code on your js file, make sure you change [b]"[/b] into [b]\"[/b] so that your js files works :)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

ehehe.. hmm what do you mean i paste those html codes below my js file? like this one?? [quote]Asset.css('http://h1.ripway.com/xoxotam/tam/exp/slimbox.css'); Asset.javascript(' http://h1.ripway.com/xoxotam/tam/exp/QuickTime.js '); Asset.javascript(' http://h1.ripway.com/xoxotam/tam/exp/swfobject.js '); Asset.javascript(' http://h1.ripway.com/xoxotam/tam/exp/mediabox.js '); window.addEvent('domready', function() { document.getElements('img').each(function(e){e.getParent().rel='Lightbox';e.getParent().href=e.src}); Asset.javascript(' http://h1.ripway.com/xoxotam/tam/exp/slimbox14.js '); }); window.addEvent('domready', function() {onPageLoad()}); <a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"><img src="thumbnail link here"/></a> <a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"><img src="image link here"/></a> <a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"><img src="thumbnail link here"/></a> <a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"><img src="thumbnail link here"/></a> <a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"> <img src="thumbnail link here"/></a><a href="image link here" rel="lightboxatomium" title="title here"> <img src="thumbnail link here"/></a>[/quote] ?? im sorry..ehehe
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

cool . tnx 4 sharing :D :penguin: :penguin: :penguin:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

@xoxotam, sumthing like this :penguin: [quote]window.addEvent('domready', function() { var mediaboxx="<a href=\"[b]image link here[/b]\" rel=\"[b]lightboxatomium[/b]\" title=\"[b]title here[/b]\"><img src=\"[b]thumbnail link here[/b]\"/></a>"+ "<a href=\"[b]image link here[/b]\" rel=\"[b]lightboxatomium[/b]\" title=\"[b]title here[/b]\"><img src=\" [b]thumbnail link here[/b]\"/></a>"+ "<a href=\"[b]image link here[/b]\" rel=\"[b]lightboxatomium[/b]\" title=\"[b]title here[/b]\"><img src=\"[b]thumbnail link here[/b]\"/></a>"+ "<a href=\"[b]image link here[/b]\" rel=\"[b]lightboxatomium[/b]\" title=\"[b]title here[/b]\"><img src=\"[b]thumbnail link here[/b]\"/></a>"+ "<a href=\"[b]image link here[/b]\" rel=\"[b]lightboxatomium[/b]\" title=\"[b]title here[/b]\"><img src=\"[b]thumbnail link here[/b]\"/></a>"+ <a href=\"[b]image link here[/b]\" rel=\"[b]lightboxatomium[/b]\" title=\"[b]title here[/b]\"><img src=\"[b]thumbnail link here[/b]\"/></a><br><br><a href=\"http://www.friendster.com/viewphotos.php?a=0&uid=[b]Your id[/b]\"rel=\"mediabox[1100 550]\" title=\"[b]Title here[/b]\">[b]View All Albums[/b]</a>; document.getElementById('content_1').style.height='100%'; document.getElementById('content_1').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+mediaboxx+"</td></tr></table>"; });[/quote] anyway, im still working on the other way to tweak your album with this :penguin:

Last edited by simpleMe (2008-11-01 03:21:45)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

ahaha..thank you thank you. ill try this one.. hmmm... oww co0l ill wait for the other tweak..haha
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

...=| tnx..but i'm lost.. i dont get the idea
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

hye hye..hmm what about i only want those intro media player exists on my profee.. that youtube thingy..ehehe..
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

[quote=xoxotam]hye hye..hmm what about i only want those intro media player exists on my profee.. that youtube thingy..ehehe..[/quote] you mean you want to make youtube as an intro when opening your page :question: like in the preview :question:

Last edited by simpleMe (2008-11-01 23:57:18)

  • » Based on Slimbox and Mootools javascript library, [b]Mediabox[/b] can handle your images, videos, animations, social video sites, inline elements, and external pages with ease. :arrow: first downloa

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