Why not explore the forum first and start making sense in some areas?
You just wasted a number of posts by arguing with the Moderators.

1. If you want that invisible mode feature, work hard for it. Rome was not built in a single day, you know.
2. If you think other forums give you more options, you're free to go. We are not risking 17083 active members just for you're fail argument.
3. If you're thinking "What's the big deal about this whole feature?" Let me tell you this: MOTIVATION--PERIOD. If you didn't get it, you might as well search the dictionary for it.
4. If you believe that the feature is not worth the requirements it is asking, why don't you try talking to someone who acts just like you?
[quote=ykisaragi16]u r ot..........is dat a gud tip??????????[/quote]
Well, what else would you want to do? Sue us? You are so impossible.
And besides, what will you use the invi mode feature for? Stalking? Spamming?
It wont get you that far, I assure you.

PS: Kindly stop this nonsense. Pathetic.