The problem is why he got banned?.
[b]that's the situation here.[/b]
[quote]If you want to confront with the moderators,
don't be afraid. go and make a topic here,
telling that your not agree to the "so called" Rules.
or you don't like the behaviors of the moderator/s here.
and i'm sure, moderators will have quick response to you.
don't explode your feelings here. Go on and make a topic.
"your getting off-topic". that's all.[/quote]
A Rule is a Rule...
If you can [b]prove[/b] that he is not guilty for what he does.
then prove it here. the problem with that guy is, moderator/s give him a LOT of chances.
and still, he dont change. He abused it. (excuse me to those who are a friend of him)
We all know that he is an old member here and a lot of post
(i hope some of his post are not spam).
but don't think that, even your old member here or a lot post,
you cannot be "cursed" or "banned".
If he have a personal problems in his life,
there are lots of member here that he can PM or we have
a topic here "[url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=4162]Got a problem?[/url]" he can post their.
we all [b]have a problem[/b]. Don't forget that.
Depend your side.
If you can prove that he is not guilty, then prove it.
tell everyone that he must not get banned here.
dont make a statement long.
[u]"Just prove it"[/u]
Last edited by dondon (2008-11-09 22:14:25)