[quote=Ephemeral]He broke the rules and he got banned. Do the math.
thank you for pointing this out[/b].
[quote=Ephemeral]Just a note... His account banning may be prolonged due to ykisaragi16 aggressiveness, causing a commotion within ReverseZerO's jurisdiction will just put him more in jeopardy.[/quote]
i second the motion.
If you think this forum is trash, why bother post?
If you think every thread you received warnings are nonsense -- and believe me you say every that almost to all the threads you were given warning -- again, why bother post? why did it seem too interesting for you to post then before the warning was given to you?
I am not forcing you to like this forum nor am i forcing you to follow the rules BUT you will be given [b]proper[/b] sanction to it. If you think some members are breaking the rules and wasn't given proper sanction too, [b]REPORT[/b] do not grumble on what you think we are [b]unjust[/b]. Do not conclude right away. It may be that the moderator failed to view that someones' post.
[b]Thank you[/b] though for you "outcry" that you think there are "unjust" or unfair treatment from some of us. We will re-asses our actions.
Consider this too, Review every post you made. Not just the ones blurrycloud gave. EVERYTHING. re-asses why your posts are considered "irresponsible post". Eat your pride for a moment and try think outside of the box.
Still, your banned because of this: [b]You broke the rules after countless warnings.[/b] Simple.
And don't deny you weren't given warnings because you have been given countless warning THOUGH you see it as a bad/wrong way. Then that's not my problem now is it?