[i]okay.. almost scared to post here..
aw. you mean closing the sticky threads here like the "song you are listening right now or something like that.." thread?.. or just the other threads like a-z song titles?.. (i'm confused.. stupid me..
) er.. can i just suggest to have a sub-forum here also?.. just like in phil sec.. without posts count? i mean.. its just a game right?.. a game about Music. so why not have a sub-forum here at Music sec for games? instead of moving those topics at other sections? or deleting them? uhmm.. about the inactive threads.. i really agree about trashing them.. deleting those spams will be cool.. and of course bringing back music in this section will be so great.. but.. i do respect your plan about deleting those game threads..
i am just making a simple suggestion..
i mean.. it is all up to you..
wait.. am i making any sense?..
i hope i am..