• » [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

Pages: 1

[quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

[quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

[quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while I can. At least I will lessen the dirt before i go HIATUS moad again this September - December.[/i][/quote] I will do some cleaning in this section. All game threads will be moved in Fun Corner and then will be assessed if the game should remain open or not. All threads that have similarity in topics will be [b]closed[/b]. I will leave [b]3-4 pages[/b] of this thread only. So expect that many threads/games will be closed. [i]The probable reasons are:[/i] :arrow: The game is completely [b]nonsense[/b] :arrow: [b]Outdated[/b] threads. :arrow: Threads that have [b]few replies[/b]. :exclaim: Pls do not attempt to create another Game here. [b]This is not the Fun Corner.[/b] To be fair, i want for you to cooperate. Pls post here the links of the threads that you think i should close. =) ______________________ Expect that many of the threads will be closed. Sorry for those Thread Starters. I'm just doin what i think is best. :) Thanks for your cooperation. Good Day. [i]-ducheszv[/i][/quote] [hr][hr][hr][hr] Music Section will have a cleaning... No specific dates yet... [b]Plans:[/b] We are planning to close those game threads. We are planning to close those inactive topics. We are planning to delete spam. We are planning to bring out the music in Music Section. Share your ideas here. All spammers and trollers will be cursed or banned immediately. Please reply with dignity and respect. We really need your opinions regarding this... [b]Think before sharing[/b] your opinions rather saying, [b]Thanks for sharing![/b]

Last edited by ducheszv (2009-08-08 14:58:57)

» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

[align=center][img]http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/755/755765i9j1sctvei.gif[/img] [color=#f0adad]Ooohhhh.. Nice choice.. The inactive topics should be removed..[/color] [img]http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/755/755765i9j1sctvei.gif[/img][/align]
» FTalkWorm
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

[i]okay.. almost scared to post here.. :paranoid:[/i] aw. you mean closing the sticky threads here like the "song you are listening right now or something like that.." thread?.. or just the other threads like a-z song titles?.. (i'm confused.. stupid me.. :wallbash: ) er.. can i just suggest to have a sub-forum here also?.. just like in phil sec.. without posts count? i mean.. its just a game right?.. a game about Music. so why not have a sub-forum here at Music sec for games? instead of moving those topics at other sections? or deleting them? uhmm.. about the inactive threads.. i really agree about trashing them.. deleting those spams will be cool.. and of course bringing back music in this section will be so great.. but.. i do respect your plan about deleting those game threads.. :D i am just making a simple suggestion.. :) i mean.. it is all up to you.. =) wait.. am i making any sense?.. :paranoid: i hope i am.. :/
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

^ I believe we can post the games in the [b]Fun Corner[/b] yene. We are planning to delete thread that are long been inactive. Its about time to clean this section. PS. dont be afraid of Vitz. He wont bite :P
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

I'm so glad for the cleanliness and organize the music section. =) because there's a lot of inactive music threads, polls, and game threads. I suggest, a subtopic for the game threads that related in music and polls... :) (the post is not counted).
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

[i]Oh,okay. I trust the moderators' judgment regarding those threads that needs to be removed/thrashed/deleted.[/i]:penguin:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

Don't worry... We will only tamper those topics who defies the meaning of Music. I really want to remove those. Because the purpose of the Music Section is defeated or underestimated. Besides... What's the connection of... Sigh... Never mind. I think you know what those topics are anyway. :penguin:
As cicatrizes
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

[i]hm..i agree. i just wanna ask..well,i dunno if this question is inappropriate for this thread, is there gonna be a sub-forum for music section? because its much better if there's a music review section. :eh: just to introduce some new songs or song artists to members.,hm.,some underground band probably., if this is inappropriate.,you may delete this post.tat's ok with me.[/i]:lol:
Kaygee :3
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

hmmm...i agree with the mods. ;] the topics that are inactive [b]should[/b] be deleted :D && also the spammers [b]should[/b] be cursed or banned immediately. I've noticed that there are more inactive threads in the Music section than the active threads. :wallbash: and also i agree with the suggestion of forming a subtopic for the game threads that related in music and polls. :penguin: that's all. [i]Thank You[/i]
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

Guys just let me know if i can help you. :D
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

Let us talk about this more openly later. Let us finish our CSS Section cleaning for now. I will lock this topic for now so at least. Everybody will have an idea on what's going to happen.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

Inactive or non-updated first post and game threads will be removed or moved.
  • » [quote]This place is getting spammy again :retard:. As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b]. [align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align] [quote][i] Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while

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