2007-08-26 09:25:07

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Siapa yang mau menambah friend bagi orang Indonesia silahkan cantumkan email, url Friensdter profile dan sedikit info atau syarat2 jadi friend. =) Saya mulai duluan ... email: w08@centrin.net.id F

www.friendster.com/frans212 progress so far : * Customized Layout *WVM +CBOX cool (thx a Lot guys) *Centering Headers with Custom Text (thx again) *add more smile to CBOX *Add a Tittle Bar *Add Background to Common Box *Add Guitar Cursor + Image effect *add a User IE Shoo Shoo Shoo (Hakz Hakz HakZ) *make Customize Shout Out Box *Make New Siggies *2 qiuck comment (main bar script + side bar script) working !! try it !!!! :thumbsup: *Customized Shout Out Box +WVM with PIC (nice) Thx sis Anna (i finally find it ) :D *more again soon !!! :D Credit so far (personal) : (sorry guys if i maybe forget u) (in random order) *bro dj_dhey (the most 1 person) *KuYa (annayeep) great !!!just Great *Bang Kanal (Thx Bg For Suggestion) *Bro KherMinatoR (thx for make up my imagination) *Bro Doddix (Thx for EveryThing) *Bro Addriz_Ndezzo (sorry if there miss spelling) *bro FikHri Akirat (sorry if there miss spelling) *bro Andre Wijaya (sorry if there miss spelling) *bro feruzz (sorry if there miss spelling) *bro eykal (sorry if there miss spelling) *bro ephe (sorry if there miss spelling) *bro Tazmine (sorry if there miss spelling) *bro Mdirwan (sorry if there miss spelling) *all of bro n sis in FTalk.com that i can't mentioned one by one soul (just Thx for all guys n galz i love u so much ) :eh: :eh: :D :D :D :penguin: :penguin: :penguin: @off topic warning !!! * if u a fs master pls never visit my site pls :evil: because u maybe seen a fs that will hurt ur eyes :puke: :puke: cause this site totally newbie.. :D be sure to fit your body up before entring it! thx * all indonesian. kesan pertama : *berad !! *lambad !! *Muad (i mean muakk : red) *bangsad !! *bewarna banged !! *Hueks d !! (apala yg penting blkngna d) bro kher sorry !! i copied ur act !!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Last edited by frans212 (2007-08-27 10:17:51)

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