[quote=deniz0623]Hey, I like your story!! and by the way, what's the title?
keep it up!!
update! update!


yaa, right here reading, Deniz.[/quote]
omg omg omg omg.

Uhm.. The title?
Just another random story. HAHA. (:
Uhm... Update?
Idk when i can think of another part.
Uhm.. Jimmy?


[quote=---xXirukiTepe---]First comment,
Nice work.....

Hehehe [:
Nvm. here it is. HAHA
Fawne slept for only 2 hours... but she felt like her dream could last only for a minute..
the female voice really sound familiar.
Now Playing: Remembering Sunday (All Time Low)
Calling: Elisa
"Hey Lis... yea... late??.. why?.........oh.alright... see you later then"
Elisa had some 'emergency' party.
Sigh. Home Alone again.
6 Messages Received:
From: Adrianne
we'll be there by 3. ahryt?

From: Chris
Dude... we'll be there ok?
Its no fun with out you.
From: Mason
Nie, cant w8 2 c u.

we miss u alot. 100x.

From: Oliver <3
Hey.. uh.. call me when you read this ok?
I need to talk to you..
From: Oliver <3
i realllyy neeed to!
From: Gingie
Hey $#&%$& (bad word

She called oliver.... .... .... ....
Oliver: Hey
Fawne: What?
O: Uh.. i dont know how to say this
F: Lemme go first
O: ok?
F: we're done. I dont want this anymore.
O: oh.. but why?
F: you feel that way too right?
O: no i dont. i was supposed to ask you out!
F: well too bad.. i dont want to go out with you anymore... goodbye.
Fawne hanged up.... She sobbed and cried... and... she was confused...
She thought she was over him.. guess not...
breathe in... breathe out....
people: HEY!
Fawne: hey (: i missed you guys
people: We can't stay long.. We have a project and Sir is just going to e-mail the instructions to you..
Fawne: Oh, ahryt (: Thanks..
Mason: Hey... Uh..
Fawne: Hey (:
Mason: Oliver was really upset..
Fawne: I dont care. hehe. HE makes me upset all the time.
Mason: Hehe... You're right
Mason: G2G. hehe Bye (:
Fawne: Bye.. :]
She thought they would last long... She sighed.. Guess not.
She turned on the laptop again..
Signed in her Y!M....
24 Messages Received.
OL!VeR is Online.
Oh noez!
Last edited by ---mad4u--- (2008-12-02 09:15:59)