Currently friendster includes mootools 1.1 which is way too old and lacks the consistency of version 1.2.
Replacing 1.1 is not as easy as just including 1.2 via script tag. So I made this simple code
Currently friendster includes mootools 1.1 which is way too old and lacks the consistency of version 1.2.
Replacing 1.1 is not as easy as just including 1.2 via script tag. So I made this simple code and you don't even have to host 1.2 because it uses the one from google.
Just copy this snippet at the very top of your external js.
<">Warning: This code might break some of your code that uses mootools 1.1
Why bother? If you're a code maker, you are probably having a hard time looking for examples for 1.1 so this solution might make things easier for you since most examples available in the net use 1.2.