[quote=bluberry543]Hello sis trixx
howwww youuu?[/quote]
Refer to this post [b]#11194 [/b] Haha

[quote=kristina16]hi skittles: how are yah doin?! i uber miss u huhu[/quote]
Im pretty much fine. Imissyou too

Drink your medicine. Wait. Imma call Dr. Lab?

I almost forgot to add you & kuyaa blurrycloud in my loveteam post.

[b]Baby[/b] LOL. I haven't post at the crush thread for centuries. Im still compiling my crushes.

What post are you reeefffeerrriiinggg to btw?

Trixx Mode?

I never heard those words exist.

What happen to riz when she is in trixx mde?
I miss the ninja avatar

But that is mooar better.

HAHA. I miss the [b]EMO MANONG[/b] here in The Scandalers. Dn't kill me por diss emo boi.,
Last edited by Trixx.xii (2008-12-08 07:54:26)