we're same sis
he's far with me~
we're allways lost contact..
coz he's so busy and also me..
but sometimes when i really missing him..
i will texting him by phone..
and said [i] "eh kemana aja lo? gw kangen tau sama u, dodol.." [/i]
i will translate dis..
[i] "heh where did u go? u know what? i miss u, jerk..!" [/i]
well i'm not call him honney, dear, sweetie, or wateber like a sweetie couple..
but i call him jerk, fool or anything's bad..

and he too..
we're not lyk a couple, but we're lyk a enemy..

and when i'm testing him lyk dats..
he will reply "wew.. buat gw grogi aja u ne.."

he said "wew.. u make me nervous.."
and he will call me, and then he will kiss me..