[quote=losher29]i know yah!
some of tehm are still anonymous.
liek i dont even know how they look like!

so i haven't say a "word" that i crush themm'
because if i said, thats being "plastic"[/quote]
what's that "plastic"? sorry but i've never heard of it.
but, aren't you with malow?

or you're just close friends also like riz n dondon?
maybe. maybe, the only way to see their faces is by fansigns.
but it doesn't guarantee. depends on the persons.
some of em just show a little part of their faces. we can't decide.

[quote=cla_15]ok..nahz is the ONE who likes dondon..and she's jealous of me..

dondon's place is one station away from mine and yeah we're friends..

oh wow! sorry then if nahz involved here. i didn't mean to.
really? i've never known of it! besides, i dunno his face.
but still, he's a nice and responsible [b]MEMBER[/b] here, i think.
if we need some new mods, i'll nominate him. he's as responsible as kuya jieduck.
[quote=cla_15]im sorry if we used our language but that time, we talked nothing but trash-talking..

that's how me and dondon talked to each other..we used harsh word because he's pissing me off!
and nahz was jealous of me because dondon and i are so close to each other..

it showed that you two are a real close pals!

i won't be astonished if someone tease you with him!

i'm really curious about how he looks..