[quote=Rei Ryuzaki]Zefa oww, good for you. well, the first thing i do after i arrived at home
is open my beloved computer.

i dun sleep even i'm tired. haha[/quote]

quite addicted, aren't ya?

i couldn't think of anything if i was in your position!
i'm 13..hwo bout you:)[/quote]
I'm only 14, but still older!

and yes! hayley's a new member here.
punkerockanime = hayley!

[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo]lol, Kiro tan seems pretty jammin'!
Yeah, our time thingies are different..What are they called, international dateline??
Oh, yeah, thanks for the repu!!
no need to say thanks! you're the one who gave me first!

jammin`? what's that? i'm not familiar with those words..